Si ta fshijme nje fajll kur nuk na len windowsi
How to delete a file when:
Si ta fshijme nje fajll (skedar) kur:
Windows says 'file access denied'.
Windows-i thote 'qasja e fajllit
'File in use' error.
'Fajlli ne perdorim' gabim
Can't delete a file (insert cryptic reason).
Nuk mund te fshihet
Rebooting doesn't help delete the file.
Rikycja nuk ndihmon
per ta fshire fajllin.
Related link:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Linke rilidhes:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Can't delete a file in Windows? Here's what to do...
Nuk mund te
fshini fajllin ne Windows? Ketu eshte cka duhet te beni ...
all its quirks, Windows does do some things for a good reason. Some files need
to be locked down when they are in
use, otherwise you risk damaging the file
or harming the Operating System.Unfortunately Windows XP seems to be plagued by
files that cannot be deleted. These are frequently simple files like videos
(AVI), MP3s or other seemingly harmless files. You try to delete the file,
Windows waits a few seconds before announcing that access is denied, the file is
currently in use and cannot be deleted. However, you know it's not in use and
you just want it deleted.
Pavaresishte nga te gjitha keto lojra fjalesh,
Windows-i i bene disa gjera per arsye te mire. Disa fajlla nevojitet te jene te
mbyllur kur ata jane ne perdorim, perndryshe ju rezikoni per ta demtuar fajllin
ose demtoni Sitemin operativ. Fatekeqsishte Windows XP duket se eshte i ndieshem
ne fajllat qe nuk mund te fshihen. Kjo eshte shpesh here fajlla te thjesht si
video (AVI), MP3 ose sic duket fajlla tjere te parrezikshem. Ju provoni ta
fshini fajllin, Windowsi prit disa sekonda para se te shpall ate qasja
refuzohet, fajlli eshte momentalishte ne perdorim dhe nuk mund te fshihet.
Megjitheate, ju e dini se nuk eshte ne perdorim dhe ju deshironi qe ta fshini
If you have encountered this problem, here is a step-by-step
process for trying to purge the files you can't delete. It starts with the
basics for Windows XP and moves on to more involved tricks. The process will
work for all recent Windows releases, but Windows XP has been causing the most
the problems, so we will focus on it. Please note: we are assuming that the file
is not crucial to the operation of Windows - deleting important system files can
cause havoc.
Nese ju hasni ne kete problem, ketu e keni nje proces
hap-pas-hapi per te provuar me e shly fajllin te cilin nuk mund ta fshini.
Fillon me bazen per Windows XP dhe leviz ne shume teknika te perfshira (se di a
e perktheva mire). Procesi do te punoj per te gjithe Windowsat e realizuar qe
jane te fresket, por Windows XP ka shkaktuar shume probleme, pra ne do te
fokusohemi ne te. Ju lutemi vini re: ne jemi duke pretenduar se fajlli nuk eshte
kritik ne funksionimin e Windows-it - fshirja e fajllave te rendesishme per
sistemin mund te shkaktoje kerdi (kaos- me te ra prej sistemi).
Is the
file in use? It sounds obvious but it happens. If it is being used or open,
close the file and the application that opened it. For example, if it is a Word
document, close Microsoft Word.
If the file was opened in an application
(and subsequently closed), but the program is still running, try quitting the
program. Windows will lock a file because the application hasn't yet released
it. This is not always Windows fault and can be the fault of the program.
eshte fajlli ne perdorim? Tingllon kuptueshem por mund te ndodhe. Nese eshte ne
perdorim ose i hapur, mbyll fajllin dhe aplikacionin qe e hap at. Per shembull,
nese eshte nje dokument ne Word, mbylle Microsoft Wordin. Nese fajlli ishte i
hapur ne nje aplikacion (dhe me pas mbyllet), por programi eshte ende duke u
ekzekutuar, provo me ndal programin.Windows-i do ta mbyll fajllin sepse
aplikacioni ende nuk e cliruar ate. Kjo nuk eshte gjithmone faji i Windowsit,
mund te jete faji i programit
If the file is an AVI, in particular a
DivX AVI, try renaming it and then deleting it. DivX files don't get on very
well with Windows XP and sometimes renaming the file can trick Windows into
releasing it.
Reboot your PC and don't start any programs. Go directly to
the file and delete it.
Nese fajlli eshte nje AVI, me hollesishte nje DivX
AVI, provo me riemeru ate dhe pastaj fshije at. DivX fajllat nuk gjenden mire me
Windows XP dhe shpeshhere riemerimi i fajllit mund te jete trike qe Windowsi ta
liroj ate. Rikyq PC-in tuaj dhe mos starto asnje program. Shko direkt te fajlli
dhe fshije ate.
In Windows Explorer, switch to View-Details and then
select View-Choose Details. Uncheck everything except the file name. This stops
Windows XP trying to read the file - this problem affects many video, audio and
graphics files.
Still no luck? OK, here is the best trick of all. Most sites
give you cryptic Windows registry and DOS commands to remove a file, but the
answer is so much simpler. Get a copy of MoveOnBoot. It's free and this simple
tool allows you to Move, Copy or Delete files before Windows can lock or alter
the files. The changes are made to your hard drive before Windows starts, hence
it requires a restart of your system after you give MoveOnBoot its instructions.
There are no messy boot or DOS commands, just a simple 3-step process.
Windows Explorer, shko te View-Details dhe pastaj zgjedh View-Choose Details.
Uncheck te gjitha (ato qe jane te zgjedhura i ben te pazgjedhura) perveq emrit
te fajllit. Kjo e ben Windows XP-in qe te ndaloj se pruvari per ta lexuar
fajllin - ky problem ndikon ne shume video, audio dhe fajlla grafike. Akoma pa
fat? OK, tani nje trik me te mire nga te gjitha. Shume sajta ju japin juve
regjistra te fshehta te Windowsit dhe DOS komanda per te larguar fajllin, por
pergjigja eshte sa shume e thjeshte. Merre nje kopje nga MoveOnBoot. Eshte fale
dhe kjo vegel e thjeshte ju lejon juve per ta levizur (move), kopjuar ose fshire
fajllin pare se Windowsi ta mbyll ose ndryshoj fajllat. Ndrrimet jane bere ne
hard diskun tuaj pare se Windowsi te startoj, prandaj eshte e nevojshme nje
ristart i sistemit tuaj parase ju ti jepni instruksione per MoveOnBoot. Ketu nuk
boot te cregullt ose DOS komanda, vetem nje proces i thjeshte 3 hapesh.
Step 1: Locate the name of the file that is causing your problems.
Hapi 1: Gjej emrin e fajllit qe po shkakton problemin tuaj.
Step 2:
Decide if you want to copy, move or delete the file.
Hapi 2: Vendos ne se
deshiron ta kopjosh, levizesh ose fshish fajllin.
Step 3. Choose a
destination for moving the file, or a new file name for the rename option (this
option won't appear if you are deleting a file).
Hapi 3: Zgjedh
destinacionin per te levizur fajllin, ose emrin e ri te fajllit per opcionin
riemero (ky opcion nuk do te shfaqet nese ju jeni duke e fshire fajllin).
Click OK to confirm you want to process. The nice thing is that the
program doesn't make you reboot straight away. It's a good idea to reboot ASAP,
but if you are in the middle of something and want to wait, the program will
simply run next time you start Windows.
Kliko OK per te konfirmuar procesin
qe deshironi te procesohet. Gjeja e mire eshte se programi nuk do te rikyq
sistemin. Eshte ide e mire per ti bere rikyqje ASAP-i, por nese ju jeni ne mes
te dickafit dhe deshironi te presni, programi thjesht do te ekzekutohet heren
tjeter kur ju e startoni windowsin.
If the file reappears again (check
its creation date to ensure it is being recreated) and you can't make it budge,
you may have trouble with spyware or a virus on your system (don't overlook the
possibility it may also be an important system file). In this case you should
get a good spyware removal program to scan your system.
Nese fajlli
rishfaqet perseri (kontrollo daten e krijimit per tu siguruar se eshte
rikrijuar) dhe ju nuk mund ta luani nga vendi, ju mund te keni problem me
spyware ose virus ne sistemin tuaj (mos e mbishiko sepse ka mundsi te jete nje
fajlle i rendesishem i sistemit tuaj). Ne kete raste ju mund ta marrni nje
program te mire per ti larguar spywarat duke e skenuar sistemin tuaj
You are here: Can't delete a file in Windows XP? Here's the simple
way to delete the file and remove the access denied error.
Ju jeni ketu: Nuk
mund ta fshini fajllin ne Windows XP? Ketu eshte nje metode e thjeshte per ta
fshire fajllin dhe per ta larguar gabimin qasja refuzohet